
Hamburger menus in 13 minutes

Hamburger menus in 13 minutes

In this video, I show you how to build an animated hamburger menu from scratch with HTML, SCSS, and JavaScript, that is accessible for screen readers and keyboards.

HTMX Crash Course | Dynamic Pages Without Writing Any JavaScript

HTMX Crash Course | Dynamic Pages Without Writing Any JavaScript

Learn HTMX by creating a couple of small projects with a Node.js and Express backend, including a contacts search, temperature converter, mock weather app with polling and form validation component. We will learn about the common HTMX attributes like hx-get, hx-post, hx-swap, etc. Final Code: https://github.com/bradtraversy/htmx-crash-course

Professional Website From Scratch | HTML & CSS For Beginners

Professional Website From Scratch | HTML & CSS For Beginners

We will create a professional-looking website from scratch using HTML, CSS and a bit of JavaScript. This project is beginner-friendly, but it's also a fun project for more experienced developers. Figma File: https://shismqklzntzxworibfn.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/pro-challenges/landing.fig Final Code: https://github.com/bradtraversy/saas-landing-page

Learn THESE Technologies to become a Web Developer in 2023!

Learn THESE Technologies to become a Web Developer in 2023!

With so many web dev technologies and languages out there, it can be overwhelming to get started in web development. And if you are already a web developer you may find it difficult to keep up with new technology and trends. This web development roadmap will help guide you in deciding what technology and languages you should learn about in 2023 and beyond.